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corneille d鈥檃m茅rique造句

  • rique    There is also the marvelous spring of the three soloists, Agnes Letestu, Karin Averty and Nathalie Rique. The official music video, directed by Ian Robertson and starring Rique, has over 1...
  • corneille    Du No鼀 was a descendant of the French dramatist Pierre Corneille. He was buried in Compi鑗ne's Saint-Corneille abbey. In this play, Corneille addresses questions of love and liberty. "Le re...
  • corneille cacheux    The article may be abridged at will, but apparently it needs to be created in order to solve the Wikidata problem of two entries on the Wikidata : Corneille Cacheux ( "'Q19921939 "') https...
  • corneille de lyon    His portrait, attributed to Corneille de Lyon, is conserved in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Among the paintings destroyed were works by Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Lucas Cranach the El...
  • corneille de schonamille    His father name was Fran鏾is Corneille de Schonamille for whom he was the only son. "' Corneille de Schonamille "'was husband of Jeanne Ursule, step-daughter of Joseph Fran鏾is Dupleix, then...
  • corneille golle    His son, "'Corneille Golle "', emigrated after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes ( 1685 ) and by 1689 was working with the London cabinetmaker Gerrit Jensen, supplying marquetry furnit...
  • corneille heymans    The location of the hospital is also called " Campus Heymans ", named after Nobel Prize winner Corneille Heymans. At Karolinska, he worked under Robin F録raeus in Corneille Heymans in Ghent...
  • corneille janssens    "' Corneille Janssens "'(; ), commonly known by the Latinized name "'Cornelius Jansen "'( ) or "'Jansenius "'( 28 October 1585  6 May 1638 ), was the Dutch Catholic bishop of Ypres in Fla...
  • corneille nicholas morphey    Two ships were sent to claim them, commanded by Corneille Nicholas Morphey.
  • corneille of burgundy    During his flight, one of the rebels killed Corneille of Burgundy, Philip's favourite bastard son.
  • michel corneille the elder    Perelle was also a pupil of Daniel Rabel and produced several hundred engravings both from his own drawings and from those of his competitors Isra雔 Silvestre, Paul Bril, Jacques Callot, Mi...
  • michel corneille the younger    "' Michel Corneille the Younger "'( 1642  16 August 1708 ) was a French engraver, b . in Paris in 1642; d . at the Gobelins manufactory at Paris, 16 August 1708. Louise-Magdeleine Horthem...
  • pierre corneille    Du No鼀 was a descendant of the French dramatist Pierre Corneille. She was a fifth-generation matrilineal descendant of the dramatist Pierre Corneille. Amongst his rivals were Pierre Cornei...
  • rocher corneille    P鑢e de Ravignan, in 1846, and the Abb?Combalot, in 1850, were inspired with the idea of a great monument to the Blessed Virgin on the Rocher Corneille.
  • roland de corneille    De Caprara lost to incumbent Roland de Corneille in the June election. Volpe successfully challenged sitting Liberal Member of Parliament ( MP ) Rev . Roland de Corneille to win the party'...
  • thomas corneille    Amongst his rivals were Pierre Corneille and his brother, Thomas Corneille. Thomas Corneille is remarkable in the literary gossip-history of his time. Thomas Corneille was a frequent contr...
  • 茅茅针    茅茅针,在春季最先开放,时间同柳树的嫩芽,开放后呈白色,花苞内是嫩绿色。
  • 茅茅运动    茅茅运动的主要领导人都是肯尼亚非洲人联盟的成员。 20世纪50年代初,由于土地问题日益尖锐,爆发了茅茅运动。 肯雅塔回国后,支持当地兴起的茅茅运动,因此于1952年被捕,1953年4月8日,他被判处7年徒刑。 50年代期间,基库尤人揭竿而起,发动了欧洲人所谓的茅茅运动,反对欧洲殖民主义者。 经过三年的军事镇压,1956年游击队主要领导人德丹?基马蒂(Dedan...
  • 氧化钬    发射光谱法测定氧化钆氧化铖氧化钬氧化铒和氧化钇量 氧化镧氧化铈氧化镨氧化钕氧化钐氧化铕氧化钆氧化铽氧化镝氧化钬氧化铒氧化铥氧化镱和氧化镥量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定氧化钆中氧化镧氧化铈氧化镨氧化钕氧化钐氧化铕氧化铽氧化镝氧化钬氧化铒氧化铥氧化镱氧化镥和氧化钇量 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定氧化钬中氧化镧氧化铈氧化镨氧化钕氧化钐氧化铕氧化钆氧化铽氧化镝氧化铒氧化...
  • 腔镜钬激光    腔镜钬激光是指在通过膀胱镜、输尿管镜或经皮肾镜看到结石后,只需将光纤直接接触结石表面激发激光即可将结石粉碎。
  •     输尿管镜钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石 结果:国产钬激光治疗输尿管结石55例59枚获得成功,效果满意。 方法:对26例小儿输尿管结石患者采用输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石或钬激光碎石进行治疗。 实验过后,灰棕钬和西伯利亚虎的攻击能力程度将一目了然。 结论:国产钬激光治疗输尿管结石的疗效满意,且价格便宜,值得临床推广应用。 发射光谱法测定氧化钆氧化铖氧化钬氧化铒和氧化钇量 ...
  • 钬的    定义:以掺钬的氟化钇锂晶体为工作物质的激光器。 其后1886年布瓦博德朗又从钬中分离出了另一元素,但钬的名称被保留了。 尽管如此,钬的某些罕见的磁性特征使人们对其未来应用前景寄予厚望。 3,掺钬的钇铝石榴石(Ho:YAG)可发射2μm激光,人体组织对2μm激光吸收率高,几乎比Hd:YAG高3个数量级。 (3)、掺钬的钇铝石榴石(Ho:YAG)可发射2μm激光,人体组织对2μ...
  • 钬玻璃    常用汞灯中的较强谱线237.83nm、253.65nm、275.28nm、296.73nm、313.16nm、334.15nm、365.02nm、404.66nm、435.83nm、546.07nm与576.96nm,或用仪器中氘灯的486.02nm与656.10nm谱线进行校正,钬玻璃在279.4nm、287.5nm、333.7nm、360.9nm、418.5nm、460...
  • 钬激光    钬激光碎石让患者远离了排石之苦。 等,通过钬激光能达到微创治疗效果。 输尿管镜钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石 4.与开放、电切、钬激光相比手术时间短。 钬激光采用脉冲发射,汽化烧灼髓核组织。 钬激光波长μ,。 泌尿外科钬激光专家,毕业于白求恩医科大学。 一、钬激光碎石:是目前国际上最先进的方法。 用钬激光治疗青光眼,可以减少患者手术的痛苦。 格赛特钬激光腔内碎石术:粉碎泌尿结石...
  • 钬激光碎石术    输尿管镜钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管结石 在天津市率先开展输尿管镜下钬激光碎石术、美国绿激光选择性光前列腺汽化术等。 6、结石大于3厘米及部分鹿角样结石,以及多发性结石,钬激光碎石术为治疗的首选。 1、微创输尿管镜、经皮肾镜钬激光碎石术,对各种泌尿系结石进行腔内碎石,提高碎石效果,成功率高。 由于钬激光碎石术具有碎石迅速、无痛安全按、康复周期短等优点,因此被誉为当前泌尿系结石治疗...

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